Friday, May 18, 2007


Post any changes and gains you have achieved during the first 4 weeks of the program. Include any thoughts on how you think you could have done better, and what you will work towards for the next portion of the program.


Rob said...


i weighed in today as opposed to the 21st since we will be in Atlantic City, and i am proud to say that i have hit my initial goal of getting to 215 lbs. i actually weighed in this morning at 214 lbs! woohoo!!

this is so wicked, as we have about 7 weeks till sauble weekend since we have to push that back one week as well. with these new changes, i think i can hit my new goal of 205 lbs if i push hard. im gonna start my volume circuits next week and doing low carb weeks, followed by moderate carb weekends. this should allow more fat loss during my regular training days, and some extra fuel for baseball games on sundays and my rest day on saturday to recharge.

i noticed that the low carb cycling has done wonders for me. half way through the month i found i was at a stand still so i started carb cycling more with a whole low carb week this week and i found it has worked great! my energy isnt too low (its manageable), and i am continuously getting results.

in terms of training, i think its time to change up the routine a bit, but i do need to keep pushing to do my cardio. with the weather getting nicer, ive found running at night has been a great substitute for circuits, and the skipping roadwork that con, eric and i did, works great as well. i just need to make sure i allot enough time to do my cardio after weights.

in terms of my goals, i have dropped 20 lbs already, and well on my way (9lbs to go) to hitting my 30 lbs mark again. i cant say that ive gained alot of muscle as i find that the calipers that i am using are inconsistent. thus i am going with the old mirror and clothes scale. im looking bigger, my definition is coming up, so im happy lol.

in terms of short term goals, i seem to be sticking to them quite well. teh only thing i find hard is waking up at 2am to have a shake, but i think i can find the motivation to get up now.

i havent stuck to my goal of running 5k twice a week and realistically i think i will be doing it at least once a week. i can try to push a second day, but it really depends on how my energy is on low carb days. i will try to tho. also, i think by the end of this i can push it in 20 minutes. havent tried yet but we'll see.

ive been great with my cheat meals, sticking to my bi-weekly cheat meal and even skipping that once in awhile. i have also added size to my chest which im really happy bout and look forward to working on some more. in terms of pant size, i bought 36" shorts taht i can slide off without unbuttoning, and i fit into Luis' size 34" pants. my main problem is the leg width for pants that small, but i'll see how to work around that. i havent stuck to my goal to eat out once a week but i can say that i do make really good choices when i do eat out, but i will still try and limit that as much as possible.

overall, im really happy with how things are going. we have 6 weeks to go and im really confident that i can get to 205 lbs and hit the rest of my goals. good luck to all, and i hope its going well for you as well!

Rob said...

oh and the b4 and after pics are crazy so far!!!! woohooo!!

Heather McMullin said...

Good job! I hope you reach your goals!!!! I love Team BeachBody and all that they have to offer! Both the physical and the financial parts!!!!

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