Thursday, May 3, 2007


Post any links to informative sites, articles, tips or any information you wanna share with the team!


Rob said...

if you want information, the king of all sites is...

if you want motivation, check out...

find someone who looks like you when u started and push to look like them!

Anonymous said...

So I bought this cereal from Walmart called Yoactive.
It tastes exactly like Special K's cereal with the strawberries. Except that it has these probiotic yogurt balls in them.
I thought it would be good for postwork. Ok in sugars. But it tastes good!

Anonymous said...

Attention all Bread Lovers:

Has anyone tried Weight Watchers Bread?? SO GOOD and great numbers.

It comes in WW and Multigrain and costa about $1.79ish. The loaf is quite small and the bread slices are wuite thin and small. But its all about portion control! And the thing is, it doesn't taste like DIET bread at all. It actually tastes really good. And you can eat 2 slices and not feel like you're eating a lot of carbs.

2 slices = 100 cal and 18g of Carbs. Which is eay less than 2 reg slices. And only 100 cal people! So I suggest you try it people :)