Friday, March 23, 2007


This is where we declare our goals and include a summary of our diet routine as well as our training schedule. Include information (if you feel comfortable) like starting pictures, weight, measurments, skin fold, body fat %, lean muscle mass and any other indicators you would like to monitor during this program. Feel free to also add cholestorol and blood pressure measurements if you want, since we are doing this for health as well (...right...). Please choose to add a comment in order to include your entry. Doing so helps keep the goals of our teamates together and easy for reference.


Rob said...


Short Term
1) To eat a minimum of 6 meals a day.
2) To sleep a minimum of 6 hours a day.
3) To prepare food before bed, or in the morning ensuring proper nutrition and portion control.
4) To adhere to my dynamic (as in changing, not spectacular lol) superset weight routine, while resisting the urge to train greedily (as in what I want to work out as oppose to what will be better for me in the grander picture).
5) To have a slow release protein shake before bed, despite any cravings for whole food.

Body Composition
1) To drop 20 lbs of fat.
2) To gain 5 lbs of muscle.
3) To drop at least 4% body fat.
4) To be a maximum of 215 lbs.

1) To run 5k two times a week.
2) To run 5k in 20 minutes.

1) To have only one (1) cheat meal per week. (I think I will be on the “Wall of Shame” a lot for this one)
2) To see definitive structure and size added to my chest.
3) To wear a maximum size 34” pant.
4) To limit meals at “restaurants” to once a week (as in sit down, I don’t know what you’re putting in my food restaurants).
5) To be totally comfortable and proud of my body when we hit the beach at Sauble on Canada Day long weekend!!!

Rob's Workout
I will be following a 4 week, dynamic superset routine where the first week I follow a basic superset routine based on bodypart, second week I move to antagonist bodypart supersets, third week I move to trisets based on bodyparts, and fourth week i do continuous sets (around 5 or 6 sets in a row w/o rest) based on bodypart. I will do this 4 week cycle for the first 2 months, and based on where I am at with my goals, I will either finish the last month with another cycle, or switch to volume supersets where I do 10 compound exercises in a row, performing 20 reps each exercise, for 3 total supersets.

I will be doing 20-30 minutes of cardio either first thing in the morning or post workout on this routine, consisting of treadmill work or 5k runs outside. On top of that, I will do cardio twice seperately consisting of high intensity interval training, or cardio circuits.

Rob's Diet
As bland as you can think of lol. I dont crave sweets or anything like that, and im sorta trying to teach myself to eat for fuel. I plan to cut to one cheat meal which will incorporate double up carbs and higher fat, even if it from a healthy source. Portion control isnt too much of an issue with me since i am still pretty heavy and my body requires it,but I do have to keep an eye on it. I will be carbohydrate timing as per usual with most of my moderate to high Glycemic Index carbs coming in for breakfast, pre and post workout. Other meals will consist of fibrous carbs and protein and when closer to the end, protein and fat. I will end every day with a pre-bedtime protein shake. Every 2 weeks i will have 2 very low-carb meals to empty glycogen stores and utilize fat as energy to a greater degree. Each meal will include up to 45 grams of protein coming from various sources including lean meats, dairy sources and protein powder. Fat's will come from safflower oil, sesame oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, some dairy fats, peanut butter and of course naturally occuring lean meat fats. My Protein-Carb-Fat ratio will be 40-40-20 for the most part.

As long as the Trinity (earl, con, bas, and jonas who are all in this program) maintain a somewhat healthy workout routine and diet, i wont have too many problems with going out and cheating.

Sorry for the novel, i look forward to working with you all and getting some kick ass buns of steel. G'luck!

- Rob

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

1) To eat at least 5 meals a day
2) To eat limit myself to only 4 cheats meals a hey at least thats better then my 3 cheat
3) Get my parents to buy healthier food for me

1) drop 5 lbs of fat
2) gain 5 lbs of muscle
3) get to at least 10% body fat
4) get between 140-150lbs
5) be a rip show...or a coming attraction to a rip

1) do 15 wide grip pull ups unassisted, or 25 close grip pull ups unassisted
2) Run 5k under 20 minutes

1) Actually work out when i'm in the gym...LOL
2) go to the gym at least 3 times a week and run at least once a week
3) To look good, and feel
4) wake up and stay up before noon

and thats all i can currently think of GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!! WE SHALL LOOK GREAT AND POSE FOR CAMERAS UNASHAMED!!! yeah i dunno

Earl Falco said...

Earl's Starting #'s:

i'm HOOGEY lol
Start weight: 310 lbs. (taken from last my bodycomp chart)

Goals for my already rip show body:
~my main goal is to cut the weight right now and maintain my muscle mass at the same time. As the power is there just layers of goodness get in the way. When i say goodness i mean nastyness as in fat.

~cut 25 lbs. and cut my body fat percentage by 3% compared from last bodycomp entry

~see more definition in major muscle areas ie. triceps, biceps, chest, quads, etc.

~fit in to my goal pant 38 tapered leg jeans from bugle boy lol...stone wash.

Goals in Diet:
~2 cheat meals a week

~eat no less than 5 meals a day, always try to eat 6 if possible.

~cut down eating out as in sit down eating to twice a week.

~cut down on carbs in all areas aside from post and pre workout.

Performance Goals:
~at least one intense cardio training day a week ie. circuit

~bench 2 plates with ease, full set of 8 to 10 reps no help.

~hit a homerun and a triple in baseball

Weekly Workout Routine:
~2 weight days a week and cardio whenever i can get it in (monday and wednesday) for now

~1 weight day superset the other weight day lift everything in the gym day

~the other days cardio with minimum of 30mins full intensity mixed in with ab work at the end

thats all for now please let me know if im missing anything. Goodluck and Godspeed to all. Im pumped to get back in to this. I need to find food for the fire and this is the ticket. See you at the gym.

Rob said...



Anonymous said...


So I must admit... I'm quite undecided about joining a 'competition' but I think I will give it a go.
I've been reading everyone's post and I must say, everyone's is very detailed - exact measurements, specific goals, etc. You're not going to find that with me.

I've decided that I don't really have a target goal (ie.lose 30lbs lol JenG, or gain 30lbs as per Con haha). But there are a few things that I want to get out of this competition:

1.) BE CONSISTENT - I want to be able to go to the gym (or work out from home yay TurboJam) at least 4-5 times a week
2.) I want to eat as well as I can – In terms of cheat meals, I'd prefer to have none. But if I have to have a small cheat in a meal (ie. Eat white bread if wheat is not available), I’m not going to make a big deal out of it. I am going to try to eat well everyday and find alternatives when people around me cheat.
3.) I want to gain my endurance with running back
4.) I want to flatten my tummy
5.) I need to eat more protein so I need to find a way to cut the carbs *tear
6.) I want to stay fit and active even after this competition is done - Confession: I haven’t worked out consistently since Rob went to the hospital. So thats like what.. the summer??? I don't want that to happen again

My workout consists of mainly Cardio and ABS. I'm not really a weights type of girl. But I’m hoping that the TurboJam 40 minute weight routine will get me into it so that I can incorporate that into my workout.

Throughout this competition, I will be working on
* running on the treadmill (endurance)
* elliptical on slower pace workout days
* jogging outside when warmer
* cardio classes (oh yea Cardio Pump and Crunch @ the Valleys)
* TurboJam!!! (inc. the weight program and ab routine)

Unknown said...

Jennifer said...
geez rob...


as of March 25, 2007:

(in inches)
arm 14
shoulders 43
bust 41
waist 34
abdomen 37.5
hips 37.5
thigh 25 in

weight 177lbs


Body Related:

1. lose 20lbs on the scale
2. squeeze into a size 6
3. get rid of bra tire on back (lol)
4. get rid of sausage arms (lol)

Performance Related:

1. NEVER skip a weight day.
2. ALWAYS have ONE endurance cardio day a week
3. run the 5k in 25mins.

General 'Related':
1. actually FINISH this competition.



- will alternate btw intervals and endurance running.
- if necessary other machines/bike. but will limit that as much as possible.
- a main focus for this round will be sticking to structure.

Weights: (edit. forgot to add prev.)

Supersets as mentioned in my 'daily routine' section. LOL.

and done.

I will alternate my Cardio and Weight training days. Preferably going 5-6x a week (6x being the ideal).


- limit carbs as needed. Most important times: Breakfast, Pre- (weight days) & Post-Workout.
- because keeping/gaining muscle is important for me personally, I will focus on getting as many protein packed meals in as possible.
- planning ahead will be key.
- i will be having a cheat DAY. i find this way i dont 'snack' on things throughout the week.


Anonymous said...


hello everyone... my goal is to lose in every area but one... *mystery*... haha jk hehehe.

1) 2-3 lbs per week
2) 30 lbs minimum loss this competition. so 250.
3) 220 lbs eventually but not by the end of this.
4) slim down and have some definiton... especially in the buttocks.
5) workout 4-5 times per week
6) weights 2-3 weight training days, cardio 4-5 times a week.
7) gingerly strolls with my friends
8) start to eat properly. no more eating one big meal a day. NO MORE BASIL FOR LIFE!!!! PRACTICE PORTION CONTROL AND FREQUENT MEALS!

Bas' training

i will perform circuit cardio training twice a week, and do 30-45 minutes of various cardio machines on other days.

i will start weight training next week and follow a compound exercise superset routine.

Bas' diet
i will focus on portion control and eating more frequently at this point. i will not set specific amounts of cheat meals as i will try to clean up my diet as a whole, and make healthier food choices.

Anonymous said...

one more goal which is the most important one....


Unknown said... could totally tell rob helped u w/ ur goals. but not w/ the wit basil. i know thats alllllll you *wink*.

Earl Falco said...

ya that doesn't sound like basil's typing, its missing FOB spellings of YOU with the letter 'U' and Focus is spelt with a 'P' dummy hahahaha you have to POCUS haha

In the words of Russel Peters, Basil BE A MAN haha

Rob said...

haha our secret is revealed lol!!! does it really sound like me? i shoulda added things like "yo", and "wazzup" and "sup dog". would that work? haha. nah i htink earl's rendition of bas is a bit more accurate lol.

Eric Victor said...
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Eric Victor said...

Rob I followed your format haha.

Current Status

Weight: 175 lbs
Measurements: Don't know

Short Term
1) To eat a minimum of 4 meals a day.
2) To sleep a minimum of 6 hours a day.

Body Composition
1) To drop 15 lbs of fat. Final weight after competition is 160. (About 1lb per week loss)
2) Tone up muscles (I don't know how to make this measureable, I guess body fat percentage decrease)

1) To run 5k at least 3 times a week.
2) To run 5k in 25 minutes. (Currently 28 mins-30 mins)

1) To have only 2 cheat meals per week (or one cheat day of eating).
2) Tone up muscles in chest and arms.
3) To be jacked from the back lol. Kidding just overall better shaped body.

I'm not really looking for muscle gain but rather to tone my muscles and see whats hiding under my fat. I intened to do a different type of workout each month of the competition.

a) Month 1

Workout 3 times a week. Each workout focusing on 2 muscle groups, 3 exercise per muscle group using lighter weights. The goal is to do many reps (at least 10+) and 3-4 sets per workout.

b) Month 2
To swtich it up a bit...

Workout 3 times a week. Each workout focusing on 2 muscle groups, 3 exercise per muscle group using heavier weights. The goal is to do 6-8 reps and 3-4 sets per workout.

c) Month 3

See month one lol

Cardio Workout
20-30 minutes of cardio post workout or in the morning (When im not tired). At least one run a week I hope to do invervals (changing speed an elevation on treadmill randomly)

Very plain...
- 5-7 servings of fruit everyday
- Eat sensibly
- Eat proper portions, no more eating until I can't move lol
- plan/shop for healthier meals
- one cheat day
- no snacking (i.e. chips, sweets etc)
- have a protein shake in between meals, with 1 serving of a high fibre content fruit

Anonymous said...

ummm, cuz im trying to think...

i wanna work out at least 5-6 times a week, b/c i wanna do my tae-bo at home. its spelt like tae, like shit.

more tone in my arms, so i guess i'll lift weights. how often are u gonna lift bas? ummmm... nothing. ok so i wanna do weights.

i wanna lose, if anything, like 5 lbs, but if i cant lose 5 lbs it doesnt really matter to me.

i think im just gonna try to eat healthy in general but at work its so bad. i will cut out my fruit rollups and stop asking my students for their lunch and snacks. and sometimes my co-workers are like, ohhh who wants whatever, and im like, whatever.

what else is there?

have like a nice stomach and that's about it.

- weights 3 times a week before cardio.
- run atleast 20 minutes at the gym.
- tae-bo at home when i dont go to the gym.
- cardio circuits 2 times a week

Anonymous said...

It was Rob that typed all this. He was typing while I was talking to Mary and Bas.

Rob said...


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone!
Happy Easter!

Anyway, I finally found time to write, mind you, on my own. No more Rob typing things out for me!
(But what Rob said about me is quit true though.)

I never joined any competition or anything like that, so I'm very very excited and super pumped to always working out with everyone!
But to be really honest with you guys, I've thought a lot about what my main goal should be and what I want to get out of this. From being 163 lbs, to now being 128 lbs, I thought I reached my main goal. But I was wrong. After losing over 30 lbs, I have to admit, I have been slacking off with my work out routine. I used to do Tae Bo 5-6 times a week. Then it's just died down.

So, here are my goals:
1.) I want to be consistent with working out. I want to work out at least 5-6 times a week. May it be at the gym with all you fun and cool people or Tae Bo in my room all by myself! Working out 5-6 times a week will consist of, my circuit days with the gang, running on the treadmill, doing that bike thing I did with Rob and lifting weights at home or even at the gym. I want my arms more tonned. And of course my stomach to be nice and flat. Basically, just be consistent to being fit and maintaining that even when this beach body thing is over.

2.) I want to start eating healthy. I don't want to go on any diet. I just want to eat right. (Bas and I both agreed to watch each other out on what we eat, whether it may be eating from home or eating out.) I also stopped buying sweets to munch on while being at work and instead eat more fruits and granola bars etc. (Bas helps me out with my snacks.)

3.) My last and most important goal is, to do this with Bas. To motivate each other even more, to fully support each other, start living healthy and just working out together. Because I LOVE BASIL!

Rob said...

ummmm..... ok..... i love basil as well i guess.... lol

Rob said...

*i thought that this should be in the goals section*

i told mary that i wanna really buckle down after week 4 for me and push to get to my goals. im on week 3 now and ive seen great changes thus far. if i can really buckle down with diet and stay dillegent, im sure i can get where i wanna get. this the closest ive ever been to being "in shape", so i dont wanna let it all slip away as a result of a moment of indulgence. ive spent years indulging and that's why im working so hard to lose fat. lets just cut it out.

*new goal... shit.... 1 cheat meal and 2 low carb days every 2 weeks.*

i was gonna start this after week 4 but realistically, every day, every workout, every meal brings me closer or farther away from my goal. i cant afford to put it on hold. ive been doing this consistently for 6 months, and i think its time i REALLY challenge myself. LET'S DO THIS!

ps: thanx mary for igniting this new fire in my anus lol.

i doubt anyone wants to take this up with me, but its worth asking i suppose... anyone down for a biweekly cheat meal?

Rob said...

after reviewing some of my goals, i have decided that for me to cut my restaurant meals to 1 a week would be just to hard with the type of schedule and lifestyle our friends live, so i have gotten rid of that.

i do however feel that i need to have more structure to my meals in terms of portion size and to also control intake. so instead of hte eating out goal i have replaced it with this one...




by planning my meals this way, i will have 4 meals already planned and mandatory, which leaves room for my bedtime shake, as well as my breakfast. i feel that this will lead to better results as i have a more controlled feel for my dietary intake.

Rob said...


i measured the 1/2 cup uncooked and it expanded to quite a bit so im just gonna measure 1 cup cooked from now on.

another goal change....


this is the first time that i am really starting to look like what i envision my 'ideal' to look like so i am really gonna push hard for it! bye bye plateau... hello beach body!!!! said...

what up all...

i'm still putting finishing touches on the resistance/cardio portion of my plan, however my meal plan is pretty much the same as previous. (nothing too special here) 50/50 prot/carb w/ minimal fat, trim down the portion size a little, and eat every 2-3 hours. most of my carbs are from slow digest sources (basically "brown" everything [insert your joke here]). post workout i have a little more leeway for a fast digest carb (basically changing the "brown" food item, to it's "white" counterpart).

side note on the diet:
seeing jen break outta her plateau [insert applause here] is making me consider carb cycling. it actually should be a lot easier to plan for now that i'm out of school and have access to higher protein food options.

training wise, i definitely need to break outta my plateau. the resistance routine i just started has a change in something every week. the alterations are, for example, increased volume one week, shorter rest times another, or rep speed changes. i'll have to guage on how my body reacts, and im considering some sorta century routine for one week (i.e. 100 rep training). i really just wanna do something to shock my body back into growth.

on the cardio side of things, i plan on doing some sorta cardio work EVERY work out (i don't know if this is good or bad... if it's bad lemme know). i really started enjoying the BFL interval training, as well as skipping [insert 2nd joke here]. as well, i play ball at least twice a week.

still working on my goals.
more to come...

Rob said...


be 205 lbs at the end of this program. i've been pushing hard and i see changes everyday now. i think i can hit 205 lbs. there is so much motivation that i dont think i will fail. *fingers crossed*